So, I´ve noticed I haven´t mentioned my family here really. The good people. My brother Marcelo speaks English and French. So I can talk to him when I don´t how to say something in Spanish and he helps me with my French homework. My sister Mili is funny. She´s twelve. My mom, Yudy, she´s crazy. She is always telling me, ¨if you don´t like something, you can tell me with confidence.¨ But then when I tell her I don´t like something she tells me to eat it anyways. She´s nice, though, a little overprotective. Yeah. Then I have about a thousand aunts (it´s impossible to tell how many, because they consider all adults who are in some way related aunts or uncles), one of which lives with us. Along with my mom´s brother, who is acting as my host father, because my real host father works in Washington. Then I have 5 cousins who live with us. They fun, and they make sure I´ve got something to do. Which is good, because sometimes it can be really boring in this house. Yeah it´s good.
In the picture are my uncle/father, his wife, and my host mom.

Learn Spanish: Quimica (kee mee cah) (Chemistry)
Learn Quechua: Llika (yee kah) (Web)
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