I was supposed to go with my host family to Camaná (a beach town about 3 hours from here) but there was a change of plans and now we're staying here. I was kind of bummed, but I'm sure I'll still have a good time here. I hope you all enjoy your New Year's Eve celebrations too.
In other news, we got a new maid. We had a cleaning lady who came in every other Saturday to buffer the floors and stuff like that, but I guess my host mom wanted to take things easy when she returns to work from her surgery. This girls only 11 years old though. I feel like we should be taking care of her, not the other way around. Both her parents are farm hands on one of our family's farms in Lluta.
Learn Spanish: Luz (Loose) (Light)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Bored in the Wake of Christmas
I started browsing Wikipedia about 5pm on Christmas. And I really haven't stopped since. I've become addicted to just browsing random articles. If were any other site I might think it were a bad habit, but with Wikipedia I'm actually learning while I just sit for hours. It's like being your own teacher. I like it.
Last night I went to go see A Good Year with some friends. It was a good movie; I enjoyed it. It made me want to go to France. And while I'm on the topic of movies, I was watching a movie on TV the other day and it had scenes that were just in Italian. And I understood it! Everybody says "Spanish and Italian are so close" but I never realized how close. Now I also want to go to Italy. I might need to do a Eurotrip.
I'm in the process of making my blog more fun. I've added some videos (not the best, but the only ones I have). And I'm trying to add some more features, so if you think of anything you want to see let me know.
Learn Spanish: Italiano (Ee tahl ee ahn oh) (Italian)
ADDED: I added a chatterbox on my blog, so people can leave comments without needing to sign up or register for anything. It's located on the right hand side and all you need to do is enter your name and post a comment. Hopefully this boosts the amount of feedback I get.
Last night I went to go see A Good Year with some friends. It was a good movie; I enjoyed it. It made me want to go to France. And while I'm on the topic of movies, I was watching a movie on TV the other day and it had scenes that were just in Italian. And I understood it! Everybody says "Spanish and Italian are so close" but I never realized how close. Now I also want to go to Italy. I might need to do a Eurotrip.
I'm in the process of making my blog more fun. I've added some videos (not the best, but the only ones I have). And I'm trying to add some more features, so if you think of anything you want to see let me know.
Learn Spanish: Italiano (Ee tahl ee ahn oh) (Italian)
ADDED: I added a chatterbox on my blog, so people can leave comments without needing to sign up or register for anything. It's located on the right hand side and all you need to do is enter your name and post a comment. Hopefully this boosts the amount of feedback I get.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Day
In Peru Christmas really starts on Christmas Eve. There's a huge dinner served at 11pm. And then at midnight, everyone goes up on their roofs and lights fireworks. It was one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen. I can see the entire city from my roof and every direction I looked there were rockets going off. It was awesome; I wish I could have caught it on camera, but those kinds of things don't really come out well on film. After the fireworks we all went downstairs. We opened a present each and then I went off to bed.
This morning I called my family and then went down and ate breakfast. I guess that it's common to go to friend's and relative's houses to eat lunch, because just about every member of my family is going someplace different for lunch.
I really don't know what to expect from the rest of the day.
Learn Spanish: Fuegos Artificiales (Fway goes Art ee fee see al ays) (Fireworks)
This morning I called my family and then went down and ate breakfast. I guess that it's common to go to friend's and relative's houses to eat lunch, because just about every member of my family is going someplace different for lunch.
I really don't know what to expect from the rest of the day.
Learn Spanish: Fuegos Artificiales (Fway goes Art ee fee see al ays) (Fireworks)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Early
Yesterday I went out and bought a Playstation with some money my mom sent me for Christmas. I figure if I get attached to it, I won't be out spending money. It's something to do. Which is needed during summer vacation.
This week my host cousins from Georgia are here, and tomorrow they're spending the day in our house. And tomorrow night I have a Christmas dinner with the other exchange students planned. Thursday I have to make a decision to eat dinner with my entire extended family or go to my school's prom. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. And Friday will be spent Christmas shopping. I guess I procrastinated a little bit with that.
Learn Spanish: Primo (Pree Moh) (Cousin)
This week my host cousins from Georgia are here, and tomorrow they're spending the day in our house. And tomorrow night I have a Christmas dinner with the other exchange students planned. Thursday I have to make a decision to eat dinner with my entire extended family or go to my school's prom. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. And Friday will be spent Christmas shopping. I guess I procrastinated a little bit with that.
Learn Spanish: Primo (Pree Moh) (Cousin)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Last night was the prom for the International High School, which is where most of the exchange students go. It started around 7 and ended around 4 in the morning. Then we went to a park until finally going home around 6 with plans to meet up for breakfast at 8. It's been a really long day and I still haven't gotten a wink of sleep. I'll probably just stay up now that the day has started. 

Picture: My friend Duncan and I posing for our dates before heading off to the prom
Learn Spanish: Cansado (Cahn Sah Doh) (Tired)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I'm back

I just got back from a four day stay in Majes. It's a town two hours away from Arequipa. My family has a farm there. Today I was supposed to go to an English play with some of my friends, but my host mom's in the hospital, so I don't think I can go. She's having surgery, but that's all I know, because when I ask what's wrong people just tell me she's having surgery. So, that's that.
Learn Spanish: Chakra (Chah Crah) (Farm)
Learn Spanish: Chakra (Chah Crah) (Farm)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Summer and Misti
Saturday and Sunday I spent climbing El Misti, which is a volcanoe right outside Arequipa. It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. The first day was okay, the air was a little thin and my backpack was heavy, but it wasn't too bad. We hiked for 5 hours the first day to get to our campsite around 4. We stayed in camp until 3am and then we headed out with flashlights to climb the rest of the mountain. This was the hardest part of the whole trip. The air was so thin. I had to stop about every three steps to catch my breath. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest it was beating so hard. We finally reached the top at around 10 am. As soon as we got there I immediately laid down and went to sleep, while part of the group went to go hike into the crater. When they got back we all went to hike another half hour to the highest point. It a very hard half hour. When I finally got to the top, one of the girls behind me past out. So I never got a picture at the top. I had to immediately run down part of the mountain to get help. On my way down I fell and cut my hand open. But on the bright side I was a boyscout and a lifeguard so both the girl and my hand are okay now. 
And today is the first day of my Summer vacation. I think I'll be able to enjoy more tomorrow when every part of my body doesn't ache. In January I'm going with Rotary on a trip throughout all of Peru and in February to Lake Titicaca. And in the mean time I get to sit around all day or hang out with my friends.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
School's Out for Summer
Today the Director of the school put me on the spot. We were talking about the 1990 Peru elections and then towards the end of class he asked me who I would have voted for and what I thought of the Peruvian electoral system. And then he asked me to explain the American electoral system (You try explaining the Electoral College to somebody who's never heard of it!). It was out of nowhere since no teacher has ever asked me to answer anything in class. It was sweating. I didn't like it one bit. It's one thing to explain something in English, but to be stared at by 30 faces while you try to explain something in a language that is their native language, but not your own is scary. I never understood how people could have a fear of public speaking until today.
Tomorrow is my last day of school. Then three months of vacation. The Peruvians still have two weeks of exams, but the director excused the exchange students from them. And maybe (still waiting confirmation from Rotary) when after vacation I can go to the University here instead of another high school. Some of the others are doing this, and it seems like a good idea, because then I can choose the classes I want to take.
And Saturday I'm climbing the mountain. I was thinking that it would be easy, but then last night I found out that only about 5 exchange students have ever made it to the top. So, hopefully I make it to the top, but if I don't I won't be alone. The first day we hike from 10 am to 2 pm and then we hang out at this camp until 2 am and then we take off in the middle of the night to make it to the top before noon. And then we spend the rest of the day walking down.
Learn Spanish: Universidad (Ooh nee vehr see dahd) (University)
Tomorrow is my last day of school. Then three months of vacation. The Peruvians still have two weeks of exams, but the director excused the exchange students from them. And maybe (still waiting confirmation from Rotary) when after vacation I can go to the University here instead of another high school. Some of the others are doing this, and it seems like a good idea, because then I can choose the classes I want to take.
And Saturday I'm climbing the mountain. I was thinking that it would be easy, but then last night I found out that only about 5 exchange students have ever made it to the top. So, hopefully I make it to the top, but if I don't I won't be alone. The first day we hike from 10 am to 2 pm and then we hang out at this camp until 2 am and then we take off in the middle of the night to make it to the top before noon. And then we spend the rest of the day walking down.
Learn Spanish: Universidad (Ooh nee vehr see dahd) (University)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Rotary Weekend
This past week I've been really busy. I've had rehearsals, and practices, and tailoring sessions for a fashion show that Rotaract (Rotary for people under 30) had on Friday. I was one of the models for it. It was to benefit poor children for Christmas. Then Saturday I spent all day cooking Choco-Banana-Nut-Bread. For a Food Festival Rotary had on Sunday. And after the food festival all my friends and I came back to my house and watched Good Will Hunting. I think I have one or two weeks of school left. And I'm really trying to find a job teaching English here. Oh! And this year I'm going to celebrate Hanukkah for the first time! I'm excited for that.
Learn Spanish: Desfile de Modas (Dez Feel ae day Moh Dahs) (Fashion Show)
Learn Quechua: Quechua (Keh Chwa) (People)
Learn Spanish: Desfile de Modas (Dez Feel ae day Moh Dahs) (Fashion Show)
Learn Quechua: Quechua (Keh Chwa) (People)
Monday, November 20, 2006
American Thanksgiving has been postponed. Why? Because we, the Americans, who were supposed to host it, didn't get everything ready in time. So it will be in a few weeks. I think I'm the only one who still wants to have it this Thursday.
This morning there was a big Earthquake. I was sitting in French class when the desks started shaking and it felt like somebody hit the building with a car. We had to evacuate the building. People were screaming. I thought it was cool. The owner of the school kept telling us it was okay, the buildings were earthquake-proof.
Learn Spanish: Sismo (sees moh) (Earthquake)
Learn Quechua: Ollantaytambo (Oh Yahn Tie Tom Bow) (Ollanta's Fortress)
This morning there was a big Earthquake. I was sitting in French class when the desks started shaking and it felt like somebody hit the building with a car. We had to evacuate the building. People were screaming. I thought it was cool. The owner of the school kept telling us it was okay, the buildings were earthquake-proof.
Learn Spanish: Sismo (sees moh) (Earthquake)
Learn Quechua: Ollantaytambo (Oh Yahn Tie Tom Bow) (Ollanta's Fortress)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Scaling Misti
So, tomorrow (supposedly) Rotary is taking us on a trip up on of the mountains/volcanoes that surrounds Arequipa. It's called El Misti. I'm excited. Before I got here I wanted to climb it. And I have a meeting with Rotary tonight...I think it's about changing houses (fingers crossed). Last night I went shopping and spontaneously decided to go to a rock climbing gym with my friend Duncan. It was fun, but I got a giant blister. That's about it.
Learn Spanish: Escalar (ehs call ar) (To Climb/Scale)
Learn Quechua: Alalao (ah lah lao)(Cold!)
Learn Spanish: Escalar (ehs call ar) (To Climb/Scale)
Learn Quechua: Alalao (ah lah lao)(Cold!)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Snakes On a Plane
Tonight my host mom let me out with some of my friends so I got to go eat tacos and see Snakes On a Plane. I enjoyed it. It's rare when I'm allowed out. Also, my youth exchange officer here said that she talked to Rotary and I'm allowed to work for a language institute, but I still have to go to school. So I guess I'll be teaching night courses. I have no idea when or where yet, but I'm allowed to! Also, I think in the next few days Rotary will have a meeting about changing houses, so I'm excited to see what happens with that. Also, I got two books that I ordered back in the beginning of September so I have 1,000,002 books to read. I'm currently reading 4 books at the same time. I really shouldn't have started so many at once, I don't know which ones I'm actually going to finish. We'll see.
Learn Spanish: Ver (vehr) (to see)
Learn Quechua: Hanan Pacha (hahn ahn Pah chah) (heaven)
Learn Spanish: Ver (vehr) (to see)
Learn Quechua: Hanan Pacha (hahn ahn Pah chah) (heaven)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Machu Picchu, The Incas, and Cuzco
The past week has been one of the best trips I've ever been on. I loved every minute of it. Here's the whole story:
Day 1
We left Arequipa at 7 0'clock in the evening. We took a double decker bus. It took us 10 hours and we drove through the night. It was hot, stuffy, and the seats weren't that comfortable.
Day 2
We got to Cuzco at 5 am. We immediately went to our Hotel "Royal Inti" and ate breakfast, put our things in our rooms and then went to explore the city. We got back to the hotel around 7:30 and slept. We then went to meet our Tour Guide and went to the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral in the center. It was the prettiest church I've ever seen, and I'm not big on old churches. The artwork inside was done by the oppressed Incan and Mestizo peoples. And their distaste for the Spanish can be seen in the paintings (e.g. instead of Roman soldiers killing jesus they had Spanish soldiers killing him, instead of Judas at the last supper they had Francisco Pizarro). We then went to some Incan ruins around Cuzco. It was a full day.
Day 3
We got up early to go to some more various Incan Ruins, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayuaman, and somehwere else...Quechua words are hard to remember.
Day 4
We saw some more Incan ruins. Went out to lunch and had the rest of the day to go shopping in Cuzco.
Day 5
We get up at 5 am. We get on a bus with two days worth or clothes and supplies. We ride for about an hour and a half to Ollantaytambo. There we get on a train for an hour. After getting of the train we hike the Inca Trail. This was the most grueling walk of my life. It was 10 hours in the Peruvian Rainforest, up and down mountains. We stopped for lunch, which was a ham sandwhich per person. And then we continued walking to Machu Picchu. It was gorgeous. We took a few snapshots, but then continued walking for a few more hours to a near by city Aguas Caliente for the night. While there I went to some Hot Springs then went to dinner and then slept.
Day 6
We take the bus to Machu Picchu. There are tons of tourists there. We had been fortunate the day before and it had been raining so there were very few tourists. When we got to Machu Picchu we had a two and half hour tour. Then we had an hour for photos. After words we went back to Aguas Caliente had 2 hours for shopping and lunch then took the train back to Ollantaytambo, where we took a bus back to Cuzco.
Day 7
We had all day to go to various museums and shop. Then we got on the bus back to Arequipa at 7 pm.
Day 8
We arrive in Arequipa at 5:30 AM.
It really was a great trip. Machu Picchu was amazing. So was the rainforest. Words can't explain. I wish everyone could see what I've seen. AMAZING.

Day 1
We left Arequipa at 7 0'clock in the evening. We took a double decker bus. It took us 10 hours and we drove through the night. It was hot, stuffy, and the seats weren't that comfortable.
Day 2
We got to Cuzco at 5 am. We immediately went to our Hotel "Royal Inti" and ate breakfast, put our things in our rooms and then went to explore the city. We got back to the hotel around 7:30 and slept. We then went to meet our Tour Guide and went to the Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral in the center. It was the prettiest church I've ever seen, and I'm not big on old churches. The artwork inside was done by the oppressed Incan and Mestizo peoples. And their distaste for the Spanish can be seen in the paintings (e.g. instead of Roman soldiers killing jesus they had Spanish soldiers killing him, instead of Judas at the last supper they had Francisco Pizarro). We then went to some Incan ruins around Cuzco. It was a full day.
Day 3
We got up early to go to some more various Incan Ruins, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayuaman, and somehwere else...Quechua words are hard to remember.
Day 4
We saw some more Incan ruins. Went out to lunch and had the rest of the day to go shopping in Cuzco.
Day 5
We get up at 5 am. We get on a bus with two days worth or clothes and supplies. We ride for about an hour and a half to Ollantaytambo. There we get on a train for an hour. After getting of the train we hike the Inca Trail. This was the most grueling walk of my life. It was 10 hours in the Peruvian Rainforest, up and down mountains. We stopped for lunch, which was a ham sandwhich per person. And then we continued walking to Machu Picchu. It was gorgeous. We took a few snapshots, but then continued walking for a few more hours to a near by city Aguas Caliente for the night. While there I went to some Hot Springs then went to dinner and then slept.
Day 6
We take the bus to Machu Picchu. There are tons of tourists there. We had been fortunate the day before and it had been raining so there were very few tourists. When we got to Machu Picchu we had a two and half hour tour. Then we had an hour for photos. After words we went back to Aguas Caliente had 2 hours for shopping and lunch then took the train back to Ollantaytambo, where we took a bus back to Cuzco.
Day 7
We had all day to go to various museums and shop. Then we got on the bus back to Arequipa at 7 pm.
Day 8
We arrive in Arequipa at 5:30 AM.
It really was a great trip. Machu Picchu was amazing. So was the rainforest. Words can't explain. I wish everyone could see what I've seen. AMAZING.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
So we got here yesterday at 5 AM. It was so early. But already I've seen so much! I've been to a ton of Incan ruins. Plus in a few days we'll be in Mach Picchu! Oh my god, this place is gorgeous. I think it is much prettier than Arequipa, but it is completely dependent on tourism. Everyone speaks English here, even the poor people on the streets. It is very different from the big city, fast-paced life I've gotten used to. I am having a great time and everyone and everything is great. I'm so inspired. I've got about a thousand pictures, but I'm at an internet cafe and can't upload pictures yet...more to come.
Learn Spanish: Pared (Par Ed) (wall)
Learn Quechua: Suyo (soo yo) (region/province)
Learn Spanish: Pared (Par Ed) (wall)
Learn Quechua: Suyo (soo yo) (region/province)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Halloween!...will be spent on a bus

The party on Saturday was very fun. I went as Indiana Jones. We played all the traditional games you play at a Halloween party in the states...when you're in the third grade. I won Musical Chairs and Bobbing for apples, and I got runner up in the limbo (but I'm also a good 6 inches taller than the winner). Then we did the Piñata. That was fun. And to finish it all off, we did karaoke. It was fun. My new English teacher was there, too.
Today is Monday and I caved and came to school. But tomorrow I am definitely not coming. I have to go buy a big back pack for hiking in the jungle, hiking boots, I have to pack, and nobody else is going to school either. And then, tomorrow night at around 7 o'clock, I will be on a bus on my way to Cuzco and Machu Picchu! Eight days of Jungle, Museums, Shopping, Hiking, and Climbing. I can barely contain myself.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Well, Rotary got flooded with complaints from families and students that refused to move. So, they decided they aren't going to make us move. Which everyone was pretty happy about, except me. But on the bright side, there is one family who has a student that they would like to change, so I might be moving in with them and he might be put here. I really hope it works out, because his house is so much closer to the city center and the part of town all my friends live in. So, my fingers are crossed.
Tonight I have a Rotary meeting, then a Rotary Halloween party. Then Sunday...then Monday (which I'm not going to school)...then Tuesday (which I'm also not going to school because it's the day I'm leaving for Machu Picchu)...then 8 days in the Peruvian jungle, Cuzco, and Machu Picchu with some of the coolest people ever (and some creepy guy Rotary sends with us with a video camera).
Learn Spanish: Disfraces (dees frah saes) (Costumes)
Learn Quechua: Oops, I ran out again...I'll learn more...I swear.
Tonight I have a Rotary meeting, then a Rotary Halloween party. Then Sunday...then Monday (which I'm not going to school)...then Tuesday (which I'm also not going to school because it's the day I'm leaving for Machu Picchu)...then 8 days in the Peruvian jungle, Cuzco, and Machu Picchu with some of the coolest people ever (and some creepy guy Rotary sends with us with a video camera).
Learn Spanish: Disfraces (dees frah saes) (Costumes)
Learn Quechua: Oops, I ran out again...I'll learn more...I swear.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Machu Picchu is less than a week away. And I was told last night that Rotary has decided to change our housing assignments. They're switching us around! I'm moving out of my Crazy Mom's house. I'm very excited. More later...
Monday, October 23, 2006
AHH!!! Calculus!
So, today I got a big surprise. My Youth Exchange Coordinator here, who teaches kindergarten at my school told me on Saturday that today I could come to here Kindergarten class instead of going to class (because I complained of being bored), however, instead of going to the Kindergarten class the school moved me up tw0 years in math. I'm now taking Calculus instead of Geometry. The only problem is I knew Geometry before I came so it was very easy, I haven't, however, taken Calculus. It's very hard and the teacher is very demanding. I think I'll be using Wikipedia to teach me for the next 6 weeks.
Also, I wanted to thank all the teachers back home for all their responses. I came home today and read my email, and all the emails were from teachers (although, one was my aunt).
Learn Spanish: Exigente (eggs ee hen tay) (Demanding)
Learn Quechua: Cosco (Coss coe) (Belly Button)
Also, I wanted to thank all the teachers back home for all their responses. I came home today and read my email, and all the emails were from teachers (although, one was my aunt).
Learn Spanish: Exigente (eggs ee hen tay) (Demanding)
Learn Quechua: Cosco (Coss coe) (Belly Button)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
It Rained
Yesterday it rained. Well, it was more of a mist. But it was great. It was sad it hadn't even sprinkled for the 2 months I've been here. We were all pretty excited for it.
Vacation is over. I have school tomorrow. Which I really don't want to go back to. I only go for about 4 hours a day, but it's still brutal. I don't like the people. They're very exclusive. I usually read. Which is okay. I'm still reading Harry Potter in Spanish and I have a box of books my family sent me.
Machu Picchu on the 31st. We're gonna wear our costumes on the bus. And before hand a group of us is going trick or treating. I don't know if I'll be a part of the group, because my host mom has told me I go out too much and that I'm not allowed to go out until December. But I am allowed to go to Thanksgiving dinner with my friends, so maybe she'll let me do Halloween as well.
I really only started this entry because I was so excited about the rain.
Vacation is over. I have school tomorrow. Which I really don't want to go back to. I only go for about 4 hours a day, but it's still brutal. I don't like the people. They're very exclusive. I usually read. Which is okay. I'm still reading Harry Potter in Spanish and I have a box of books my family sent me.
Machu Picchu on the 31st. We're gonna wear our costumes on the bus. And before hand a group of us is going trick or treating. I don't know if I'll be a part of the group, because my host mom has told me I go out too much and that I'm not allowed to go out until December. But I am allowed to go to Thanksgiving dinner with my friends, so maybe she'll let me do Halloween as well.
I really only started this entry because I was so excited about the rain.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Finally, Real Movies
Today was spent mostly running errands. I had to go pick up my Passport, which for whatever reason is required for me to pick up my mail. But by the time I got to the post office it was closed because the former president died. So, I have to go back tomorrow. Then tonight I had Spanish lessons. I have finally learned every verb tense there is in Spanish. Now I can just focus on vocabulary, hopefully.
Today I also found a place that sells movie copies that are decent quality. The thing about Peru is that you can't find movie originals anywhere. They're too expensive for people here. So the black market is HUGE here. I don't think it's illegal either, or if it is, the police don't seem to mind, because they too buy the black market movies. That being said, most of the movies are terrible quality. Mostly people taking video cameras into movie theatres. The place I found today, however, sells videos that are just copies of the originals. And so I bought Dead Poets Society and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. They have so many more movies I want. But they're $1.30/each which is about 3 times as expensive as other movies on the street. So I guess I'm gonna have to wait to buy more.
Learn Spanish: Pelicula (Pay Lee Cue Lah) (Movie)
Today I also found a place that sells movie copies that are decent quality. The thing about Peru is that you can't find movie originals anywhere. They're too expensive for people here. So the black market is HUGE here. I don't think it's illegal either, or if it is, the police don't seem to mind, because they too buy the black market movies. That being said, most of the movies are terrible quality. Mostly people taking video cameras into movie theatres. The place I found today, however, sells videos that are just copies of the originals. And so I bought Dead Poets Society and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. They have so many more movies I want. But they're $1.30/each which is about 3 times as expensive as other movies on the street. So I guess I'm gonna have to wait to buy more.
Learn Spanish: Pelicula (Pay Lee Cue Lah) (Movie)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Santa Catalina's
I have the next week off of school. So I'm going to do some site seeing. There are a lot of things in Arequipa that I haven't seen yet. Today, I went to Santa Catalina's. It's this really old monestary that is open for tours and exploring. It's one of the must sees of Arequipa. And it was beautiful. I went with some friends (who didn't have today off of school. Shame on them), and we had a really good time. It reminded me I was in South America. And how it can be so glamorous at times. We took lots of pictures (many of which the Catholic Church would find sacrilegious).
More to come.
Learn Spanish: Pilas (Pee Lahs) (Batteries)

Christian from Australia and Samantha from Holland
More to come.
Learn Spanish: Pilas (Pee Lahs) (Batteries)
Christian from Australia and Samantha from Holland
Thursday, October 12, 2006
This Weekend Should Make Up For Last Week
The past week has been absolutely uneventful. I've finished a book and started reading Harry Potter in Spanish. It's challenging, but I'm getting through it.
This weekend; however, is going to be great. I've got my dance thing tomorrow, a birthday party on Saturday, and a field trip on Sunday. Tomorrow is the school's birthday and the entire school is putting on a show. My family and friends here are all coming to see me do my dance. It's going to be one big party, I can feel it. Saturday is my Aussie friend, Steph's, birthday. She turns 18 and it wouldn't be a proper 18th birthday without a party. And Sunday, Rotary is taking us on a trip around Arequipa to some of the old, old surrounding villages. I really don't know much about it, I just know I got an email telling me that if I wanted to go I could; so I am. Hopefully this brings me out of the funk I've been in for the past week.
Learn Spanish: Ojala (Oh halla) (Hopefully)
Learn Quechua: Mamyke (Ma mie kee) (Mom)
This weekend; however, is going to be great. I've got my dance thing tomorrow, a birthday party on Saturday, and a field trip on Sunday. Tomorrow is the school's birthday and the entire school is putting on a show. My family and friends here are all coming to see me do my dance. It's going to be one big party, I can feel it. Saturday is my Aussie friend, Steph's, birthday. She turns 18 and it wouldn't be a proper 18th birthday without a party. And Sunday, Rotary is taking us on a trip around Arequipa to some of the old, old surrounding villages. I really don't know much about it, I just know I got an email telling me that if I wanted to go I could; so I am. Hopefully this brings me out of the funk I've been in for the past week.
Learn Spanish: Ojala (Oh halla) (Hopefully)
Learn Quechua: Mamyke (Ma mie kee) (Mom)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Apple Cider, English, and Dirty Pop
So, after my last entry I immediately launched a full-scale search of the internet for apple cider recipes (via google). I found one. And I spent a couple days talking about how I was going to make it and then one of my friends here told me that you can get it for free at this restuarant in the mall. I've decided that's a whole lot easier than making it. So I'm going to have some delicious apple cider this weekend.
I'm thinking about not going to school anymore and becoming an English teacher at one of the Institutes down here. There are no requirements for English teachers here, because they're so sought after. And, I'm not getting any credits for this year. Plus it would pay about 1,800 soles a month, which is about 600 dollars. I haven't decided yet, but I still have some time as the next semesters don't start for a few weeks.
Dirty Pop. Is the song I'm dancing to as a part of a school celebration. My entire class is doing a hip hop dance for the school's birthday next Friday. And I am in the front and I do some pretty awesome flips in it. I'm pretty excited. If I can figure out how to get the video onto the outdated equipment I have here, I will upload a video of the performance. It should be awesome.
Learn Spanish: Bailar (Buy Lar) (to Dance)
Learn Quechua: Wuawaua (wah wah) (baby)
I'm thinking about not going to school anymore and becoming an English teacher at one of the Institutes down here. There are no requirements for English teachers here, because they're so sought after. And, I'm not getting any credits for this year. Plus it would pay about 1,800 soles a month, which is about 600 dollars. I haven't decided yet, but I still have some time as the next semesters don't start for a few weeks.
Dirty Pop. Is the song I'm dancing to as a part of a school celebration. My entire class is doing a hip hop dance for the school's birthday next Friday. And I am in the front and I do some pretty awesome flips in it. I'm pretty excited. If I can figure out how to get the video onto the outdated equipment I have here, I will upload a video of the performance. It should be awesome.
Learn Spanish: Bailar (Buy Lar) (to Dance)
Learn Quechua: Wuawaua (wah wah) (baby)
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sorry I haven't written in a while
Saturday I went to a huge rock concert they had here. I think it was one of the best things I've done here. There were 12 exchangers who went. And everyone was in a good mood, and curiously, everyone spoke English. I met a lot of new people there. It was nice. I want to go to the Shakira concert in Lima in November, but I can't find anyone to go with me, because it costs too much (100 soles/ticket = 30 bucks). I'm not sure if I've given up on that yet.
I'm learning a hip hop dance in school for some concert we're having on the 13. It's pretty awesome, it kind of makes me miss being in the Spring Musical. The other thing I'm really missing is autumn. There really aren't seasons here, just wet and dry. I miss seeing the leaves change colors and going places like the Apple Festival and drinking apple cider. I really miss apple cider.
On the bright side I'm making more friends in school because of this dance thing, but seriously, I would trade everyone of them for a cup of apple cider. How do you make apple cider? Hmm...
Well I am off to search the internet for an apple cider recipe.
Learn Spanish: Manzana (Mahn Sahn ah) (Apple)
Learn Quechua: Yanahuara (Yana War Ah) (Black Underwear)
I'm learning a hip hop dance in school for some concert we're having on the 13. It's pretty awesome, it kind of makes me miss being in the Spring Musical. The other thing I'm really missing is autumn. There really aren't seasons here, just wet and dry. I miss seeing the leaves change colors and going places like the Apple Festival and drinking apple cider. I really miss apple cider.
On the bright side I'm making more friends in school because of this dance thing, but seriously, I would trade everyone of them for a cup of apple cider. How do you make apple cider? Hmm...
Well I am off to search the internet for an apple cider recipe.
Learn Spanish: Manzana (Mahn Sahn ah) (Apple)
Learn Quechua: Yanahuara (Yana War Ah) (Black Underwear)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
My Birthday
So this morning I woke up to find my host mom and sister standing over me with presents. I got two really comfortable shirts and a keychain dog. Then about 20 minutes after I woke up, my host aunt called me and sang happy birthday over the phone. And before I wokeup my host father called from the US, but they let me sleep instead. After showering my host brother made me breakfast. It was nice. Now I'm sitting here typing this. I'm about to go get a suit made in the city center. And then to the casino with my friends. And to end the day a giant fiesta back here at the house. Peruvians sure know how to do birthdays.
Learn Spanish: Cumpleaño (koom plee ahn yo) (Birthday)
Learn Quechua: I've actually ran out of Quechua words I know...I'll learn some new ones.
Editation: The rest of the day went well too. I got my measurements taken. Went out to lunch with a bunch of friends. Went to Spanish lessons. Came home and had a party. The party was fun and the cake was awesome. Here's a picture of me with a chocolate cigar, flowers, and ...apple juice.
Learn Spanish: Cumpleaño (koom plee ahn yo) (Birthday)
Learn Quechua: I've actually ran out of Quechua words I know...I'll learn some new ones.
Editation: The rest of the day went well too. I got my measurements taken. Went out to lunch with a bunch of friends. Went to Spanish lessons. Came home and had a party. The party was fun and the cake was awesome. Here's a picture of me with a chocolate cigar, flowers, and ...apple juice.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Reading and Writing for Fun? What happened?
Since I got here, I've read 5 books. I think that's more books than I read in the year prior to this exchange (except for Honors English books, ;) of course). And in addition I'm reading two books now, one in English and one in Spanish. Now if only I had some good books. Everything I've read has been okay, but I want something that people have heard of. I am also writing a lot. Sometimes I get in trouble in school for writing stories instead of doing math (bleh math, who ever used that?). I've been writing news articles, short stories, scripts, everything. I think now that I don't I can't really speak English, I have to get my fix of it other ways. It's kind of enjoyable though. Hopefully, I keep these new found hobbies next year when I'm taking 2 AP English courses.
Learn Spanish: Traje (trah hey) (suit)
Learn Quechua: Itki (it kee) (Sun)
Learn Spanish: Traje (trah hey) (suit)
Learn Quechua: Itki (it kee) (Sun)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Where'd my money go?
Today I found out it costs 3 soles a minute to call the US. And I just bought a new Phone Card. And now it's empty and I have no more cash.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
4 Weeks in Perú and Boy Do I Miss You
Today, I have officially been in Peru for 4 weeks. It feels like not that much time has passed. I´m not sick anymore (thank god). I am having a birthday party next Friday, so hopefully there will be more pictures to come. Not much is happening here. I´m starting to really understand people more. It´s a noticeable difference. I think I understand people about 70% of the time. It´s nice. I´m missing Elkhart a little, but I think that´s probably normal.
Learn Spanish: Te Extrañas (teh ex trahn yas) (I miss you)
Learn Quechua: Piruw (Pee roo) (Peru)
Learn Spanish: Te Extrañas (teh ex trahn yas) (I miss you)
Learn Quechua: Piruw (Pee roo) (Peru)
Monday, September 11, 2006
Mi Familia Acqui
So, I´ve noticed I haven´t mentioned my family here really. The good people. My brother Marcelo speaks English and French. So I can talk to him when I don´t how to say something in Spanish and he helps me with my French homework. My sister Mili is funny. She´s twelve. My mom, Yudy, she´s crazy. She is always telling me, ¨if you don´t like something, you can tell me with confidence.¨ But then when I tell her I don´t like something she tells me to eat it anyways. She´s nice, though, a little overprotective. Yeah. Then I have about a thousand aunts (it´s impossible to tell how many, because they consider all adults who are in some way related aunts or uncles), one of which lives with us. Along with my mom´s brother, who is acting as my host father, because my real host father works in Washington. Then I have 5 cousins who live with us. They fun, and they make sure I´ve got something to do. Which is good, because sometimes it can be really boring in this house. Yeah it´s good.
In the picture are my uncle/father, his wife, and my host mom.

Learn Spanish: Quimica (kee mee cah) (Chemistry)
Learn Quechua: Llika (yee kah) (Web)
In the picture are my uncle/father, his wife, and my host mom.

Learn Spanish: Quimica (kee mee cah) (Chemistry)
Learn Quechua: Llika (yee kah) (Web)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Ready for a laugh? Watch The Karate Kid in Spanish

It´s starting to sink in that this isn´t some Indiana Jones adventure, this is life. And sometimes it´s gonna be boring. But it usually is busy. I´m having fun still, but there is still a lot of time to sit and think. I´m going to Machu Picchu and Cusco in October. Also, Rotary has a way of making things in even the poor countries expensive. I´ve finally stopped watching CNN in English and switched to CNN en español. I don´t understand everything, but I understand a lot. Yeah.
Learn Spanish: Teclado (teh clah doh) (Keyboard)
Learn Quechua: Mamontekyke (muh mont ah kie kee) (Where are you from?)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Take Two of These and Call Me in the Morning
So yesterday I came home from school early, because I was sick. I took a nap. I woke up in extreme discomfort, told my host mom, she said ¨Vamos al medico¨ which means ¨We´re going to the doctor,¨ so we went. He said ¨Necesitas analisis¨ which means ¨You need testing.¨ So we went to a clinic where they needed a stool sample. I have yet to give them one. But I´ve been back 4 times.
On a lighter note, I was interviewed by a newspaper down here.
Learn Spanish: Estomago (es toh mah goh) (stomach) Learn Quechua: Wixa (wik sah) (stomach)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The World: So Big and Yet So Small
Today I ordered the next two books in the series I´m reading. Unfortunately, I have about 30 pages left in the one I´m on and it will take 6 weeks for the next ones to get here. And here we are living in a world where you can write on a blog and have people in over 150 countries read it, but it takes a month and half to get a book in English.
Today I also got a cell phone here. I think I have free incoming calls, but I really don´t speak Spanish well so I might not. But the number is 51549794438 and I think you have to hit 011 first. I know it´s probably not safe to put my number on the internet. I´ll risk it, for you guys.
Learn Spanish: Celular (cell oo lar) (Cell Phone)
Learn Quechua: Mamyke (Muh My Kee) (Mother)
Today I also got a cell phone here. I think I have free incoming calls, but I really don´t speak Spanish well so I might not. But the number is 51549794438 and I think you have to hit 011 first. I know it´s probably not safe to put my number on the internet. I´ll risk it, for you guys.
Learn Spanish: Celular (cell oo lar) (Cell Phone)
Learn Quechua: Mamyke (Muh My Kee) (Mother)
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
12th Day of Chris
Things are going well here, I guess. I´m trying to find a place where I can take Spanish lessons. I´m finally understanding some of my classes (including French), which is nice. The mall here is called Saga Falabella, or as I like to call it, "The Oasis of North American Culture." I went there last night. Man, things are cheap here. Things have started to calm down and adventure is becoming life.
Learn Spanish: Pie (Pee eh) (Foot)
Learn Quechua: Are (Ahr ee) (Yes)
Learn Spanish: Pie (Pee eh) (Foot)
Learn Quechua: Are (Ahr ee) (Yes)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Colca and Friends

This weekend I went to Colca Canyon. For those of you who don´t know where that is, look it up. It´s the second largest canyon in the world. I saw lots of condors, the largest bird in the world. It was awesome. I also bathed in a hotspring. How many people can say they´ve bathed in a natural hotspring in Peru? Not many. I went with all the other Rotary exchange students. The bus ride was the best part. I finally have friends. So it´s less lonely. This trip was good. Except for the food, which gave me food poisoning. NEVER get sick in a Peruvian public restroom.
Learn Spanish: Cuy (Koo' E) (Guinea Pig)
Learn Quechua: Simi (See Mee) (Lips)

Friday, September 01, 2006
I´m here...now what?
So I´ve been in Arequipa for 1 week and 1 day. It´s nice. The mountains are beautiful the house are colorful, and the people are kind. I think I have the largest family ever. I don´t even know everyone´s names yet. And everyday I meet more tios and primos. The city center here is called the Plaza de Armas and it is gorgeous and hundreds of years old. Wednesday I went to a church that was built in the 1500´s. I don´t think I´ve ever been in a building that old.
School is nice. But the kids are insane! They just get up and color on people, throw dirt at eachother, or yell during the lesson. I think we´re better behaved in school, but maybe I just never noticed. I don´t understand anything yet. Well, Math, Chemistry, and English. But French, Geography, History, Language, and Investigation (which I have yet to figure out what it is) I don´t understand a word of.
I´ve been to 2 parties and I´m going to one in a couple of hours. I feel like a new car. My family takes me places to show me off.
Well I´ve got to go. Pictures soon.
School is nice. But the kids are insane! They just get up and color on people, throw dirt at eachother, or yell during the lesson. I think we´re better behaved in school, but maybe I just never noticed. I don´t understand anything yet. Well, Math, Chemistry, and English. But French, Geography, History, Language, and Investigation (which I have yet to figure out what it is) I don´t understand a word of.
I´ve been to 2 parties and I´m going to one in a couple of hours. I feel like a new car. My family takes me places to show me off.
Well I´ve got to go. Pictures soon.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Prepare for Departure
I got a call last night. Well, technically, I didn't get a call my Dad did. But it was a call intended for me. The call has been long anticipated. The caller was my travel agent, Kiersten Ellez. She informed my father, who in turn informed me, my Visa application had been received and that she was sending it to the consulate. She also said I should start packing and to be ready to leave soon.
So, today I packed. Atleast, I started to pack. I'm done with my clothing, but now I have to defy the rules and laws of physics to fit all my additional items into a very tiny (and increasingly smaller) suitcase.
So, today I packed. Atleast, I started to pack. I'm done with my clothing, but now I have to defy the rules and laws of physics to fit all my additional items into a very tiny (and increasingly smaller) suitcase.
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