I had my first lab for Anatomy yesterday. I nearly vomited from the stench of dead bodies. I thought the bodies we would be getting would be somewhat recently deceased. They aren't. It looks like they've been dissected two or three times before. My groups body has no head; just a stump with tendon, nerves, arteries, and whatever else coming out of it.
Today was the first day of actual dissection. Only three people at a time can dissect. The teacher chose the first two people off the list and me. I didn't do too badly when it came to skinning the guy, but I wasn't the best at figuring out what was fat and what was nerve. Tomorrow is the test over everything in the arm; nerves, muscles, bones, arteries, and veins. I have yet to figure out the names of any of those. There are about a hundred different things I need to know for tomorrow.
On top of it all, I still smell like dead guy. Yesterday I washed my hands 9 times before the smell went away.
I'm absolutely exhausted.
Learn Spanish: Hueso (Way So) (Bone)