Hoy día es mi ultimo día en Arequipa. Como pasa el tiempo. Me parece que llegué en la semana pasada. Ha sido nueve meses. Cuando llegue tengo que trabajar, estudiar, y todo eso. Mi amiga Mafer me dijo que cuando llegues a casa parece que alguien a puesto pausa, pero tu vida no ha pausado. Tambien me dijo que mis amigos van a parecer mas joven que yo. Espero eso no sea el caso.
Aprende Inglés: Home (Jom) (Hogar)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
6 Days
As suggested by the headline, I have six days left in Arequipa. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On one hand, I feel excited to be going home and seeing everyone. One the other, I have to say goodbye to all my friends I've made this year. I remember in the 2nd grade, my friend Amber moved away. That was the first time that I knew I'd never see someone again. 10 years later I have to say goodbye to a large number of people I'll never see again. It's not a pleasant thought.
Yesterday I finally started buying gifts for people back home. It was not as cheap as I was hoping it was going to be. I've only bought for about half the people I need to buy for.
I guess that's all for now.
Learn Spanish: Jamás (Hahm Ahs) (Never/Ever)
Yesterday I finally started buying gifts for people back home. It was not as cheap as I was hoping it was going to be. I've only bought for about half the people I need to buy for.
I guess that's all for now.
Learn Spanish: Jamás (Hahm Ahs) (Never/Ever)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Finally, after weeks of studying for hours and getting nowhere, I've finished with school. I'm now devoting the majority of my time to sleeping in, watching TV shows online, and the ever-so-popular eating. Sorry to say, exercising didn't make the list.
We (by "we", I mean "I") got the computer back up and running. So now I can go back to doing what I do best; searching the internet for obscure and pointless information. I'm not sure if I'm learning more from sitting here all day than I did at school, but here's a list of things I did learn there:
1) How to hold a scalpel
2) How to skin someone (incredibly gross)
3) The difference between arteries, veins, nerves, and tendons on a dead guy
4) Advanced medical vocabulary in Spanish
5) How to prepare a biopsy
6) The equation for determining whether a person is diabetic or not
7) How to sew someone up
8) How to translate medical text
9) Never address a doctor as "professor"
That's it I guess. I'm sure there are others that elude me at the moment. For those of counting the days, 11 days until I leave and 12 until I get home.
Learn Spanish: Bisturí (Bee Stur EE) (Scalpel)
We (by "we", I mean "I") got the computer back up and running. So now I can go back to doing what I do best; searching the internet for obscure and pointless information. I'm not sure if I'm learning more from sitting here all day than I did at school, but here's a list of things I did learn there:
1) How to hold a scalpel
2) How to skin someone (incredibly gross)
3) The difference between arteries, veins, nerves, and tendons on a dead guy
4) Advanced medical vocabulary in Spanish
5) How to prepare a biopsy
6) The equation for determining whether a person is diabetic or not
7) How to sew someone up
8) How to translate medical text
9) Never address a doctor as "professor"
That's it I guess. I'm sure there are others that elude me at the moment. For those of counting the days, 11 days until I leave and 12 until I get home.
Learn Spanish: Bisturí (Bee Stur EE) (Scalpel)
Friday, May 18, 2007
End of School
Today is my last day of school. I'm not going for my last two weeks. I want to sleep in and work towards getting taken care of at a reasonable pace. I brought in my rotary cards to pass out.
Today is the going away party for one of my friends. She leaves for Oregon on Sunday. It's crazy to think that people are already going home. And I only have 2 weeks left.
Oh and the computer is broken. So my house has been extremely boring, especially with my host brother and sister on vacation this week. I got blamed for breaking it, which doesn't surprise me. I got blamed for breaking the DVD player too, even though I didn't use it the week it broke.
Okay, I'm going to go. I've got Medical English class to go to.
Learn Spanish: Despedida (Dehs Pay Dee Dah) (Going away party)
Today is the going away party for one of my friends. She leaves for Oregon on Sunday. It's crazy to think that people are already going home. And I only have 2 weeks left.
Oh and the computer is broken. So my house has been extremely boring, especially with my host brother and sister on vacation this week. I got blamed for breaking it, which doesn't surprise me. I got blamed for breaking the DVD player too, even though I didn't use it the week it broke.
Okay, I'm going to go. I've got Medical English class to go to.
Learn Spanish: Despedida (Dehs Pay Dee Dah) (Going away party)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Limbo Lower Now
Life's kind of been in a limbo state, lately. I've been watching more movies than normal. All my classes have started to bore me, not because the stuff is boring, but because they've gone beyond what I understood. I think that had a lot to do with traveling so much. I'm behind and there's no way to get caught up. What's worse, I have my dissection exam in Anatomy in a few days. They gave me the foot. Which is infinitely harder than the rest of the leg.
As of today, I have 2 1/2 weeks left until I leave for Elkhart. That's not a lot of time.
Learn Spanish: pie (Pee A) (Foot)
As of today, I have 2 1/2 weeks left until I leave for Elkhart. That's not a lot of time.
Learn Spanish: pie (Pee A) (Foot)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I got back from Lima yesterday. It was awesome. The city has tall buildings, a highway system, malls, American food. It was a real change from Arequipa. We went to Papa John's, McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts, and 1 Mexican restuarant. The tastiest three days I've had here.
We went to their Plaza De Arms (city center), the government palace, and a church with Catacombs. I liked the church, but they made me translate from Spanish to English because most of the group didn't speak Spanish and they didn't offer a tour in English for several more hours. That was not fun; a lot of the vocabulary terms were religious and artistic and things I didn't know the translations for. What made things worse was that one of the members of our group was an art teacher and very religous.
We stayed at this really cool hostel called the Flying Dog. So if you're ever in Lima on a budget, I recommend it.
That's all. Maybe I'll have pictures later, but I forgot my camera at the hostel most of the time, so I'll have to get some from the other guys.
Learn Spanish: Catacumbas (Caht Ah Koom Bahs) (Catacombs)
We went to their Plaza De Arms (city center), the government palace, and a church with Catacombs. I liked the church, but they made me translate from Spanish to English because most of the group didn't speak Spanish and they didn't offer a tour in English for several more hours. That was not fun; a lot of the vocabulary terms were religious and artistic and things I didn't know the translations for. What made things worse was that one of the members of our group was an art teacher and very religous.
We stayed at this really cool hostel called the Flying Dog. So if you're ever in Lima on a budget, I recommend it.
That's all. Maybe I'll have pictures later, but I forgot my camera at the hostel most of the time, so I'll have to get some from the other guys.
Learn Spanish: Catacumbas (Caht Ah Koom Bahs) (Catacombs)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Friday I went to go see Spiderman 3. I enjoyed it a lot more than the first two. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
My friend Emily's mom is visiting from the states. And she's invited my friends and me to go to Lima with her on Monday for a few days. I'm excited. I haven't been to Lima, other than the 5 over layover I had when I got here. I'm really going for the food, they have a Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, and about a million other American restaurants.
I guess that's all for now. I'll update from Lima or when I get back.
Learn Spanish: Araña (Ah Rahn Yah) (Spider)
My friend Emily's mom is visiting from the states. And she's invited my friends and me to go to Lima with her on Monday for a few days. I'm excited. I haven't been to Lima, other than the 5 over layover I had when I got here. I'm really going for the food, they have a Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, and about a million other American restaurants.
I guess that's all for now. I'll update from Lima or when I get back.
Learn Spanish: Araña (Ah Rahn Yah) (Spider)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
1 Month Left
Today I have 1 month left in Peru. Sometimes it feels like the time has flown by. And other times it feels like it's been an eternity since I've seen my family and friends.
I've got to confirm my flights, buy gifts, donate the books/clothes/etc. that I'm not bringing back, I want to eat in all my favorite restaurants one last time, and a million other things. I've got a month to get all this done, but it's just crazy that I have to start thinking about doing these things.
Learn Spanish: Mes (Mace)(Month)
I've got to confirm my flights, buy gifts, donate the books/clothes/etc. that I'm not bringing back, I want to eat in all my favorite restaurants one last time, and a million other things. I've got a month to get all this done, but it's just crazy that I have to start thinking about doing these things.
Learn Spanish: Mes (Mace)(Month)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
As Promised, Pictures
Friday, April 20, 2007
Okay, got to Puno yesterday at 4 am. The people who sold us the tickets told us we could sleep on the bus until 6:30. But when we got there they told us we had to get off, despite everyone protesting. We stayed in the terminal for a few hours, went to go get breakfast, a hotel, and a tour of the Isla del Sol (Island of the Sun). It was awesome! The pictures are gorgeous, today we're doing a tour of the floating islands and then back to Arequipa. It's been an awesome trip. Check back on Sunday or so for some photos.
Learn Spanish: Sol (Sohl) (Sun)
Learn Spanish: Sol (Sohl) (Sun)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Well, Duncan and I got into Cuzco two days ago. We took a 14 hour bus ride from Nazca to get here. We've been hanging out with his aunts that came to visit. And tomorrow his cousin comes and our friend Emily (and her family) from Arequipa. It's been a pretty good trip thus far. And I promise to get pictures up when I get back.
Learn Spanish: Familiares (Fahm eel ee ar aes) (Relatives)
Learn Spanish: Familiares (Fahm eel ee ar aes) (Relatives)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Well last night the journey began. Duncan and I set off in search of fortune and glory. We got to Nazca at 4:45 this morning! They pushed off the bus, gave us sandwhiches, and left. We flew over the lines and now we're stranded until our bus leaves for Cuzco tonight. The lines were beautiful. If you go to Peru, see the lines. I'll post pictures when I get them from Duncan. I was filming and he took the pictures.
Learn Spanish: Linea (Lee Nay ah) (Line)
Learn Spanish: Linea (Lee Nay ah) (Line)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Nazca, Cuzco, Puno
Okay, so I didn't want to say anything on here before it was official, but I'm going on a trip for the next week. I'm going to Nazca to see the legendary Nazca lines (google it). I'm going to Cuzco, again. And I'm going to Puno to see Lake Titicaca (World's highest navigable lake). I leave tonight and get back on Saturday. Hopefully I'll have time to update in there, but if not look forward to pictures in about a week. Now I just need to figure out how to fit all my stuff into a tiny little backpack.
Learn Spanish: caber (cah behr) (to fit)
Learn Spanish: caber (cah behr) (to fit)
Monday, April 09, 2007
This Week Is Off To a Good Start
Today, instead of going to Biochem lab (which turned out to be cancelled anyways), I went to a breakfast sponsored by the rector of the university for exchange students. I thought it was going to be a meet and greet with a bunch of old guys in suits, but instead it was a special lunch for all the exchange students at the university (they forgot to mention that on the phone). It was really cool. I found out there's a lot of us. The majority are from other countries in South America, but there are also 2 Dutch and 2 Germans. The university is also giving us free Spanish lessons. I love taking lessons, because I feel like my Spanish is never good enough. Oh and they gave us gift bags. I got a poster, pin, keychain, and some literature that the university has published. Plus, the food was really good.
Overall, a good morning.
Learn Spanish: Gratis (Grah Tees) (Free)
Overall, a good morning.
Learn Spanish: Gratis (Grah Tees) (Free)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Week of The Saints
I have half a week off because it's Week of The Saints here. It's a 2 day national holiday. I've spent about every waking moment watching movies. I have about 40 that I've bought here. That's about it. Sorry to be a bore. Maybe something exciting will happen.
Learn Spanish: Cuarenta (Kwar ehn tah) (Forty)
Learn Spanish: Cuarenta (Kwar ehn tah) (Forty)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Med Students Strike
Today I got to school, but instead of having class we had a protest! All the med students were protesting because the university raised their tuition without telling them. We protested for a 3 hours before the university caved and lowered the prices again. It was pretty cool.

Protesting with the best of them.

Making Confetti.

Protesting with the best of them.

Making Confetti.

Monday, March 26, 2007
Today Was a Good Day
Today I had Biochemistry lab, which wasn't the best. I was, however, happy that I could keep up with the rest of the kids. From the class I went to the post office to pick up my Easter package. Nothing beats candy (thanks Mom & Dad). Then I went home and checked my email. I got my return flight information. I'll be coming home June 3rd at 7:46 PM if anybody wants to come meet me, I fly into South Bend. Today was a pretty good day.
Learn Spanish: Hoy (Oy) (Today)
Learn Spanish: Hoy (Oy) (Today)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Univeristy, Possible Side Effects: Exhaustion
I had my first lab for Anatomy yesterday. I nearly vomited from the stench of dead bodies. I thought the bodies we would be getting would be somewhat recently deceased. They aren't. It looks like they've been dissected two or three times before. My groups body has no head; just a stump with tendon, nerves, arteries, and whatever else coming out of it.
Today was the first day of actual dissection. Only three people at a time can dissect. The teacher chose the first two people off the list and me. I didn't do too badly when it came to skinning the guy, but I wasn't the best at figuring out what was fat and what was nerve. Tomorrow is the test over everything in the arm; nerves, muscles, bones, arteries, and veins. I have yet to figure out the names of any of those. There are about a hundred different things I need to know for tomorrow.
On top of it all, I still smell like dead guy. Yesterday I washed my hands 9 times before the smell went away.
I'm absolutely exhausted.
Learn Spanish: Hueso (Way So) (Bone)
Today was the first day of actual dissection. Only three people at a time can dissect. The teacher chose the first two people off the list and me. I didn't do too badly when it came to skinning the guy, but I wasn't the best at figuring out what was fat and what was nerve. Tomorrow is the test over everything in the arm; nerves, muscles, bones, arteries, and veins. I have yet to figure out the names of any of those. There are about a hundred different things I need to know for tomorrow.
On top of it all, I still smell like dead guy. Yesterday I washed my hands 9 times before the smell went away.
I'm absolutely exhausted.
Learn Spanish: Hueso (Way So) (Bone)
Monday, March 19, 2007
I've started the real university classes now. The orientation period is over and now I have to do complex chemistry problems which I don't understand. On the bright side another exchange student joined medicine so atleast somebody else knows how hard it is. The materials are going to cost me an arm and a leg, but I'll walk away with my own lab coat.
Life is getting to be pretty routine again. Nothing like a school schedule to keep my going to bed at 9 and waking up at 6.
Learn Spanish: mandil (mahn deal) (apron/lab coat)
Life is getting to be pretty routine again. Nothing like a school schedule to keep my going to bed at 9 and waking up at 6.
Learn Spanish: mandil (mahn deal) (apron/lab coat)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
This So Beats High School
Remember back in October and November when I wrote about how I hated high school because nobody ever talked to me? Well, University here is not at all like that. My first day I made five new friends. They coming over on Sunday and we're going to watch ER, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck, and House. A whole day of medical shows with friends, can't beat that. Plus being in class keeps me from spending a lot of money.
And we got a new maid (the old one went back at the end of summer). She's a little older than the last one 14 or 15 I would say. And she goes to high school for a four hours at night. So overall, not as a cruel of a situation as having the last one.
Things are really good right now. I'm happy.
Learn Spanish: Ahorrar (Ah Or `r´) (To Save Money)
And we got a new maid (the old one went back at the end of summer). She's a little older than the last one 14 or 15 I would say. And she goes to high school for a four hours at night. So overall, not as a cruel of a situation as having the last one.
Things are really good right now. I'm happy.
Learn Spanish: Ahorrar (Ah Or `r´) (To Save Money)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
University here I come!
I got in! It's official. I gave my schedule today, I get my student ID tomorrow, and I start classes on Monday. I'm excited. The rector was really nice and he did a lot to get us in. And two of my host cousins are in the medicine program there and promised to help me study. Things are going well. I'm going to buy my school supplies tomorrow.
Oh and sorry for the grotesque pictures in the last post. I couldn't resist, you guys wouldn't believe me if I just told you!
Learn Spanish: asco (ahs co) (gross)
Oh and sorry for the grotesque pictures in the last post. I couldn't resist, you guys wouldn't believe me if I just told you!
Learn Spanish: asco (ahs co) (gross)
Monday, March 05, 2007
Majes: Round Two
I went to my family's farm in Majes, again. I went with my host mom, cousin, aunt and uncles. It was my aunt's birthday and we got up at 5am to drive two hours to eat breakfast with her. There were 7 of us in a 5 person car. Which was not safe or comfortable. We had fish for breakfast (I hate fish) and guinea pig for lunch. I had a good time overall. Here are some pictures of the guinea pigs: 

Friday, March 02, 2007
Working Hard So I Can Hardly Work
The last couple days I've been working super hard with two friends to try and get into the university here. First we had to write a letter stating we wanted to take courses there, present it to the Head of Admissions. He told us the letter alone wasn't good enough; we needed a letter from Rotary. So we wrote a letter from Rotary and asked our club president to sign it. But he said he wanted to write his own. The letter is now done and we have to go back and see the Head of Admissions, again. And they told us that we wouldn't be considered students, we'd be "student observers." Which is okay, because it means I don't get grades or have to take exams.
In other news, I am quitting my job at the English institute today. Even if I don't get into the university I'll have to go back to high school. So I won't have time for teaching.
Learn Spanish: Carta (Car Tah) (Letter)
In other news, I am quitting my job at the English institute today. Even if I don't get into the university I'll have to go back to high school. So I won't have time for teaching.
Learn Spanish: Carta (Car Tah) (Letter)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Well, it's getting time for school to start back up around here. Instead of going back to high school here, Rotary gave us permission to go to the university. So, I'm in the process of enrolling. I want to do medicine, but since I'm a free student and not a med student I don't know if I'll be able to do that. I really want to, because you get a cadaver and you have to cut it up. Which sounds gross, but so cool. That would definitely beat the anatomy class they offer in my high school. If I can't do that however, I guess I'll do something like Tourism classes or cooking. I just want something fun and interesting.
Learn Spanish: Antomía (An at oh MEE ah) (Anatomy)
Learn Spanish: Antomía (An at oh MEE ah) (Anatomy)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
What Have I Done?
My Lent sacrifice was to give up English. Well, not completely there are some rules.
1) I can speak English to people who don't speak Spanish
2) I can speak English in my English Institute
3) I can speak English in Emergency Situations (ie fire! or you're being robbed)
4) Everytime I say a word in English it costs 50 centavos. And if I use the same word again it goes up by 50 cents.
I started this yesterday. And it was hard. Not that hard, but I was so tired I went to bed at 9. I hope I make it through all of this.
Learn Spanish) Cuaresma (Kwor Es mah) (Lent)
1) I can speak English to people who don't speak Spanish
2) I can speak English in my English Institute
3) I can speak English in Emergency Situations (ie fire! or you're being robbed)
4) Everytime I say a word in English it costs 50 centavos. And if I use the same word again it goes up by 50 cents.
I started this yesterday. And it was hard. Not that hard, but I was so tired I went to bed at 9. I hope I make it through all of this.
Learn Spanish) Cuaresma (Kwor Es mah) (Lent)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Today was the last day of Carnaval. And it was huge! There were hundreds of people in the streets with water balloons, buckets, oil, paint, silly string, and baby powder. It was crazy. I wish this were a holiday we celebrated in the US. I loved it.
Wednesday starts Lent. And I'm giving up speaking English. Not entirely though. I'm still teaching, so I have to speak English for that. And if I talk to anyone who doesn't understand Spanish I'll speak to them in English. But other than that I'm using Spanish. I think this will really take my language skills to the next level.
Learn Spanish: Renunciar (Ray Noon C R) (To Quit)
Wednesday starts Lent. And I'm giving up speaking English. Not entirely though. I'm still teaching, so I have to speak English for that. And if I talk to anyone who doesn't understand Spanish I'll speak to them in English. But other than that I'm using Spanish. I think this will really take my language skills to the next level.
Learn Spanish: Renunciar (Ray Noon C R) (To Quit)
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Beach
Sorry I haven't updated in eight days. I was going to do it before I left Arequipa, but I didn't have anything remotely interesting to talk about. But I do now. I didn't go to Puno (Lake Titicaca) because Rotary postponed the trip due to such a small number of interested students. But I did go to Mollendo (a beach town) with my host family. There were 22 of us! We shared a tiny hostel with three rooms for 3 days and 2 nights. The first day I spent hours and hours in the ocean; the waves were huge! But then I got very badly sunburnt and couldn't go out in the sun. So I spent the entire second day at the beach sitting under an umbrella watching the waves. And on the second night my cousins and I went to a club. It was dead so we went back to the hostel and talked til 3 in the morning. Then we got up at 6 the next morning to go have breakfast and go to the beach again. I did swim a little but for no more than an hour. After the beach we had lunch and headed home to Arequipa. I had a really good time. And I think I really needed the vacation, I was so bored before I left. I didn't take my camera, because a friend of mine did and her's was stolen so I didn't want to risk it. So there are no pictures. Only memories.
Learn Spanish: Quemado (Kay Mah Doh) (Burnt)
Learn Spanish: Quemado (Kay Mah Doh) (Burnt)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Yesterday I went to meet my friends for brunch. And I started feeling really tired. And in the taxi ride home my head started hurting. And by the time I was home I had a full blown migraine. I spent 15 hours in bed. Today I feel better, but Yesterday was the worst day ever.
Learn Spanish: Cansado (cahn sah doh) (tired)
Addition: I watched the Superbowl live here and it was awesome!
Learn Spanish: Cansado (cahn sah doh) (tired)
Addition: I watched the Superbowl live here and it was awesome!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
I'm Getting into Shape
Yesterday I went to this olypmic pool in town with my friends Duncan (US) and Georgia (Australia) and we decided that would start going everyday. So we went and bought caps and goggles last night and this morning met outstide the pool at 6am. It was hard! I'm out of shape I guess. I've gained 15 pounds, mostly in the gut, and I'm determined to work them all off before I come home. I think this will work because we're going as a group so it's not as easy to give up on.
I'm going to Puno (Lake Titicaca) from February 9th to the 14th. So hopefully I'll have some pretty awesome pictures to show you all.
Well, I've got work to do so I'll try to update later.
Learn Spanish: Nadar (Nah Dar) (To Swim)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
New Spanish Lessons
My new Spanish lessons are going pretty well. It's only my second day, but I like my teacher. He's a genius. The man knows 6 languages and plays 4 instruments. The classes are a lot better than the ones I was paying for. I'm reading some Spanish books by Peruvian authors. Pretty interesting stuff.
Tonight the Rotary Club vice president leaves for Canada for a month. She's pretty much the only one whom we're in constant contact with. After I go to say goodbye a group of exchange students are going to the movies for cheap movie night.
I have to go now because I have an English lesson to give in a half hour.
Learn Spanish: media hora (meh dee uh or uh) (half hour)
Tonight the Rotary Club vice president leaves for Canada for a month. She's pretty much the only one whom we're in constant contact with. After I go to say goodbye a group of exchange students are going to the movies for cheap movie night.
I have to go now because I have an English lesson to give in a half hour.
Learn Spanish: media hora (meh dee uh or uh) (half hour)
Friday, January 26, 2007
Things Are About to Get Crazy
I took a second job at another English institute. I'm doing a language exchange with them. I teach two hours a day of English and in return I get two free hours a day of Spanish. I'm also going to have more classes starting Feb. 5 at Translex (my first institute). So three days a week I will have 12 hour days and two days a week I will have 4 hour days. Crazy.
My new debit card came today. So now I don't have to worry as much about money. I also get my Rotary allowance tomorrow. So I should be set for a while. February 11, Rotary is taking us on a trip to Lake Titicaca. I'm pretty excited about that.
Learn Spanish: Ocupado (Oh coo pahd oh) (Busy)
My new debit card came today. So now I don't have to worry as much about money. I also get my Rotary allowance tomorrow. So I should be set for a while. February 11, Rotary is taking us on a trip to Lake Titicaca. I'm pretty excited about that.
Learn Spanish: Ocupado (Oh coo pahd oh) (Busy)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A New Arrival
Today the new exchange student arrived from Australia. Her name is Georgia, and my friend Duncan and I picked her up with Rotary at the airport. Then we went to the Vice President's house and had breakfast. PANCAKES! It was delicious. After breakfast Rotary asked Duncan and I to show her the city and to help her get ahold of the airline to get her lost luggage.
This whole experience reminded me of when I got here. How nervious I was and how new everything was. And I remember getting here and having the previous exchange students speaking perfect Spanish. I was so jealous and wished I could have spoken like them. And then after awhile I became nervous that I wouldn't be able to speak Spanish like the could. But I've now been here the same length of time and I'm proud to say I can. I'm more than halfway through my exchange. I remember getting here and knowing the Australians only had 4 months and thinking it seemed so long. And the time flew. I hope it doesn't fly quite as fast for me.
P.S. I think my external hard drive is broken and I might have lost all my pictures, videos, and documents. I hope it's repairable.
Learn Spanish: Panqueques (Pahn Kay Kays) (Pancakes)
This whole experience reminded me of when I got here. How nervious I was and how new everything was. And I remember getting here and having the previous exchange students speaking perfect Spanish. I was so jealous and wished I could have spoken like them. And then after awhile I became nervous that I wouldn't be able to speak Spanish like the could. But I've now been here the same length of time and I'm proud to say I can. I'm more than halfway through my exchange. I remember getting here and knowing the Australians only had 4 months and thinking it seemed so long. And the time flew. I hope it doesn't fly quite as fast for me.
P.S. I think my external hard drive is broken and I might have lost all my pictures, videos, and documents. I hope it's repairable.
Learn Spanish: Panqueques (Pahn Kay Kays) (Pancakes)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Finally A Break!
I've been working and going to Spanish lessons nonstop for about two weeks now. But all my English classes ended and now I only teach on Mondays and Fridays. I still have Spanish lessons everyday, but only for two hours. Next week I'll be cutting my Spanish lessons back to six hours a week so I will have time and money.
I've been watching a lot of movies. In the past week I've seen 6. I've basically quit watching TV (except CNN and BBC News in the morning).
I finally weighed myself the other day and I've gained 15 pounds since I got here.
It's been nearly five months since I left the US and I have approximately 4 1/2 months until I return. Two of those months will I'll be on vacation. Then 2 1/2 months of whatever Rotary decides to make me do (High school, Univiersity, Institute, etc.). And then another three months of vacation.
Learn Spanish: libras (Lee Brahs [like zebra with an 'L']) (Pounds)
I've been watching a lot of movies. In the past week I've seen 6. I've basically quit watching TV (except CNN and BBC News in the morning).
I finally weighed myself the other day and I've gained 15 pounds since I got here.
It's been nearly five months since I left the US and I have approximately 4 1/2 months until I return. Two of those months will I'll be on vacation. Then 2 1/2 months of whatever Rotary decides to make me do (High school, Univiersity, Institute, etc.). And then another three months of vacation.
Learn Spanish: libras (Lee Brahs [like zebra with an 'L']) (Pounds)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Things Are Looking Up
Teaching is turning out to be fun. I've only taught three classes, but I already like it. I was really nervous my first day and I hadn't planned enough for the class to do. But now I've got the hang of it. Today I said they could leave five minutes early if they wanted to, but they told me they wanted to stay and talk to me. And one asked for private lessons.
And last night my friend Duncan came back from Cuzco. So now I have somebody to hang out with. Now, if only I had a money tree life would be perfect.
Learn Spanish: arbol (are bowl) (tree)
And last night my friend Duncan came back from Cuzco. So now I have somebody to hang out with. Now, if only I had a money tree life would be perfect.
Learn Spanish: arbol (are bowl) (tree)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
An Exciting Couple of Days

Well, Saturday I was robbed at knifepoint. That's the biggest and scariest news. And the event with lingering effects.
After the robbery my parents snapped into action and sent me money, so a big thanks to them. And then I went shopping for work clothes. And I got some pretty nice clothes.
Monday I started my Spanish lessons. I'm glad I'm back in them, but I can only afford this week's tuition (which was paid before the robbery). My teacher's nice, she's an English teacher, but her English is absolutely terrible. I also started my new job as an English teacher on Monday. I haven't taught a class yet, but I've been to a meeting about things should be run and today I sat in on a class. Tomorrow is my first class. I'm excited and nervous.
Learn Spanish: Ladron (Lah Drone) (Thief)
Friday, January 05, 2007
I Finally Accomplished Something
Today I had an interview at an English institute. They hired me as soon as I said I was from the US. I get paid 2 dollars an hour. And if I do well I will make 3 dollars an hour within a month (so they say). Finally, minds to mold. I also signed up for Spanish lessons. So starting Monday my schedule will be 8:30-10:30 Spanish lessons and 11:00-8:00 English lessons. I'm excited to get out of this boring house. Plus this means I'll be meeting people which is nice since all the other exchangers are on their trip.
Learn Spanish: Lunes (Loon Ace) (Monday)
Learn Spanish: Lunes (Loon Ace) (Monday)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
A New Year
I started looking into Spanish institutes down here. And I think I've found one I like. It's a café/Spanish school and you can drink all the tea/coffee you want, use their internet, and use their library for free. And the founder of the school also owns a travel agency so students get big discounts on trips. They also offer free cooking and dancing lessons. My Spanish is okay, but I really want it to be perfect (I guess that's my New Year's Resolution). And it's really not improving by just talking to people, because they never correct me.
Tomorrow I have a breakfast to go to. It will be the first time I've been up before nine in about 3 weeks. The Australians here are leaving soon to go back to Australia. They've been here since January of last year. I'm going to miss them. They were complete opposites. They're not the only ones going, the rest of the exchange students (minus four) are going on a month long trip to the North of Peru. I'm glad I'll be starting Spanish lessons again, so that I'll have something to do.
Learn Spanish: Enero (EE Nehr Oh) (January)
This video is the fireworks from New Year's Eve. There's not nearly as many as their were on Christmas, but it's still a lot.
Tomorrow I have a breakfast to go to. It will be the first time I've been up before nine in about 3 weeks. The Australians here are leaving soon to go back to Australia. They've been here since January of last year. I'm going to miss them. They were complete opposites. They're not the only ones going, the rest of the exchange students (minus four) are going on a month long trip to the North of Peru. I'm glad I'll be starting Spanish lessons again, so that I'll have something to do.
Learn Spanish: Enero (EE Nehr Oh) (January)
This video is the fireworks from New Year's Eve. There's not nearly as many as their were on Christmas, but it's still a lot.
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